Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've read three great books in the last few months, and I thought I'd share them here for anyone who might be interested in finding some good acting resources.

1. Judy Kerr - Acting is Everything
This book is bible of resources on everything from getting around LA, to cover letters and resumes, to building your support team. She provides great practical advice and includes helpful links at the end of each chapter. I now always keep this book handy and reference it often.

2. Ivana Chubbuck - The Power of the Actor
Chubbuck's 12-step method is clear and powerful. The first half of the book spells out and explains each step in her method, and the second half of the book discusses strategies for particular circumstances (playing drunk, etc). I audited her class in LA and was very impressed by her Master Level students and her ability to draw out powerful choices from them. I also refer to her method often when preparing a role.

3. Michael Bofshever - Your Face Looks Familiar: How to Get Ahead as a Working Actor
What I found most useful about this quick read was the first-hand accounts by working actors, from how they got started in the business to how they use all their free time on set. The book also provides some basic, yet sometimes forgotten information such as set etiquette and balancing time off.

hmmm... Now off to find what I should read next.

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