Friday, April 16, 2010

Catching Up and Looking Up

I'm nearing the end of a long string of short film projects that I have been doing to flesh out my resume, expand my repertoire of role types, and get footage for my reel. Today I'm heading to the first rehearsal of the last of these projects for a while. It's time to do some catching up.

First, I need some rest. I can definitely feel the toll the long days have had on my mind and body - you know that haze that sets in. But that's easy enough to solve. A day or two of sleeping in and relaxing will do the trick.

What is more difficult is deciding where to go from here. Lots of decisions, including thoughts of whether or not it's time to check out the LA market, weigh on my mind. And as I begin to study the footage I've received, I go through a rollercoaster of emotions. I know I want it, but do I have what it takes? How do I play on film? What is really my type and how do I best capitalize on that? What is my on-screen age range? (can I still play a teenager;)???) Is there a place for me in the industry?

I think no matter how well I am trained and how hard I work, questioning will always creep in from time to time. Certainty, though, that this career is what feeds my soul, keeps me going today. And on days that are harder than the others, this will keep me chugging along.

-- RedbeckaJP
Post From My iPhone


  1. I think you could actually play a really wide range of ages! Your look seems to change pretty drastically depending on your makeup. If you were cast on a sitcom, I think you'd be perfect as the "Rational, Logical Type". :)

  2. Thanks for the feedback Christina. And I've really been meaning to get over to your meetup. San Jose's a bit a trip now, but I think its just what I need. Hope to see you there soon!
