Monday, April 5, 2010

A Case of the Mondays

Somehow this week flew by with a whole hodgepodge of things accomplished, none of which felt very productive. The exception to this might be that I finally got the puppy groomed (it's been a REALLY long time) and the evidence is shown below.

I do have to give myself a little credit for getting anything done at all considering I am still mourning NYC;) and our life is still packed up in boxes from our recent move. Each day is an adventure to find a new pair of socks;)

I met Malcolm Jamal Warner (aka Theo Huxtable) while working background for the new ABC pilot "True Blue" and was completely awe struck. I managed to keep my composure while he made casual conversation with me, but all the while I was thinking, "Theo, I kinda miss the dreadlocks but I must say you haven't aged a bit since 1995." Lucky for me I kept my mouth shut and simply smiled and nodded.

Thursday marked my last day of shooting on "Robots" and Saturday I worked a crazy promotion for the new Iron Man movie at the Wondercon convention.  Those were some sights to see!

Today feels like the first day of the new reality - new house, new goals, new questions.  It's also really about time I got back to the gym...

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