Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One Foot in Front of the Other

Lately I have been reading a lot of books on the business of being an actor, and over the last six months I think I've done good work in setting up this business. It always seems like there is an overwhelming amount to do, and it is satisfying to start seeing a pay off and progress being made. Now, I just have to trust in the process and be sure I am properly honing my skills as I go along.

So where are we? In December I signed with a commercial agency and I've started to get sent out through them. January brought new headshots, which I love. Gosh, its great to walk into an audition with a headshot I know is awesome. I'm updated on all the pertinent casting websites, IMDB, and I just renewed my subscription to backstage west. (Got my first hard copy in the mail yesterday. I know I can get it all online, but there is something about the physical paper that I like). My website is updated an I am networking more and more.

But for some reason I've been feeling a little stalled right now. And its not like I'm not working, because I am, and for this I am very grateful. I'm realizing that I have been spending so much time on promoting the "business" of my career that I need to get back to working on the "craft" of it. There is nothing like exercising your skills in an environment that you are constantly challenged.

So this is my next goal - put away the business books and get back to the craft. The business is in good shape, I tell myself, and now I need to put more energy into working on the skills of doing what I love - of course, not forgetting to save all my receipts for deductions!

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